IPRA's Administration & Finance (A&F) Section consists of park district professionals that either specialize or work in and around administration, finance, human resources, information technology, registration services, and/or risk management. If you are interested in joining the A&F Section or simply wish to attend for educational and networking purposes, you are encouraged to attend.
Roll Call of Board Members:
Approval of Minutes
Recognition of Committee & SIG Members
-Business Managers
-Registration Specialists
-Human Resources Co-Chair
-Information Technology Chair
-Risk Management Co-Chair
-Leadership Professionals
-Awards Committee
-Conference Education
-Marketing Committee
New Business
Award Presentation
-A&F Section Distinguished Service Award
-Liz Mastoris Cox SIGnificance of Excellence Award
After the meeting, we invite members to join us at the IPRA Conference Kick-Off: A Hosted Happy Hour
Not an IPRA member? Click here and join today!
CEUs: Event is not approved for CEUs (Continuing Education Units are for certifications such as CTRS, CPRE and CPRP certification).
$0 Member / Non-Member
*Meeting room subject to change