Administration & Finance
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Administration & Finance Leadership

Bret Fahnstrom
Started in 1990 at Park District of Oak Park as a Community Center Director. In 1996, I moved to the Golf Maine Park District as the Superintendent of Recreation for 3 years. I returned to Oak Park and the Manager of Community Centers in 2000 and was there until 2008. In 2008, I bounced back to Golf Maine as the Executive Director until 2014 when I moved to the River Trails Park District as their present Executive Director. Enjoying an amazing team and community.
Hobbies: Geocaching, hiking, outdoors, sports, life
Robert O'Shaughnessy
Gregory Vitale

Morgan Mason
For more information contact Chair Nimfa Melesio.
For more information contact Chair Jeff Murphy
For more information contact Co-Chairs Matt LaPorte, Tiffany Greene, or Liz Visteen.
For more information contact Co-Chairs Darleen Negrillo or Lynn Wiltfong
For more information contact Chair Debbie Chase.
For more information contact Chair Caitlin Deptula.
For more information contact Co-Chairs Kara Moss, Samantha Vrtis-Bentz, or Christina Nickel.
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