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Forest Preserve and Conservation Section Meeting and Learning Lab: Restoring Healthy Waterways

Forest Preserve and Conservation Section Meeting and Learning Lab: Restoring Healthy Waterways

Thursday, February 13, 2025 (2:00 PM - 3:30 PM) (CST)


The Forest Preserve and Conservation (FPC) Section consists of professionals that either specialize or work in and around forest preserves and/or conservation. This event will begin with a Forest Preserve & Conservation Section Meeting followed by a Learning Lab titled "Restoring Healthy Waterways."  If you are interested in joining the section or simply wish to attend for educational and networking purposes, you are encouraged to register.

Event Timeline
2:00pm:  Forest Preserve & Conservation Section Meeting
2:30pm:  Presentation of "Restoring Healthy Waterways" by Erik Neidy

Presentation Description:  This presentation will highlight the work over the last 20 years regarding the restoration of rivers and streams across three watersheds in DuPage County, Illinois. A western suburb of Chicago, DuPage County is home to nearly 1mil people across 360 sq mi. As a component of the county forest preserve system, 48 miles of rivers and streams are one ecosystem among 26,000 acres of preserved open space. Impacts of straightened channels, construction of dams, extirpation of native aquatic species, habitat and water quality degradation and the restoration/improvement of these systems will be discussed. Specific projects will highlight the work of forest preserve staff and contractors.

Learning Objectives:
1.    Learn why rivers bend – a geomorphic illustration in an urban setting
2.    Learn how man-made dam removals can create habitat improvements
3.    Learn about aquatic species propagation and release programs such as those with freshwater mussels

About the Presenter:
Erik Neidy is the Director of Natural Resources for the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County and holds a Bachelor of Science in Zoology from Western Illinois University as well as a Master of Science in Restoration Ecology from Governors State University.

Erik began working for the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County in 2001. Over the last two decades, his focus has been aimed at native ecosystem restoration, enhancement, creation, and management. The primary focus has been on roughly 12,000 of 26,000 acres of open space in DuPage County. Restoration of wetland, woodland, prairie, and stream/aquatic habitats aimed at maximizing biodiversity and increasing wildlife utilization across all habitats. Since 2005, Erik and his staff have been working to restore nearly 20 miles of urban rivers and streams.

How to Participate: This meeting will be on Zoom.  Links will be sent to all registrants the morning of February 13.

Not an IPRA member? Click here and join today! 

CEUs:  Event is approved for 0.1 CEUs and will only be awarded to members in live attendance of "Restoring Healthy Waterways" for a minimum of 45 minutes (Continuing Education Units are for certifications such as CPRE, CPRP, CTRS).


$0 Member/Non-Member

Event Contact
Anamari Dorgan
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Thursday, February 13, 2025 (2:00 PM - 3:30 PM) (CST)
Forest Preserve & Conservation Section
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