FPC District Leader Virtual Roundtable

FPC District Leader Virtual Roundtable
Friday, January 10, 2025 (11:00 AM - 1:00 PM) (CST)
The Forest Preserve and Conservation (FPC) Section invites leaders of Forest Preserve, Conservation, and Park Districts to join us January 10th at 11am for a virtual Roundtable Discussion with other leaders from special districts across the state to learn more about what our section can offer your District, discuss ways IPRA can more effectively engage your employees, and for insight into the type of offerings you would like your staff to gain from participation.
How to Participate: This meeting will be on Zoom. Links will be sent to all registrants the morning of January 10.
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CEUs: Event is not approved for CEUs (Continuing Education Units are for certifications such as CPRE, CPRP, CTRS).
$0 Member/Non-Member
Forest Preserve & Conservation Section